Thursday 2 July 2015

Come On India!! Let's Celebrate Digital Week!!

When Narendra Modi takes the centre stage for an event involving the corporate sector, it is not surprising that the who's who of India Inc. would be there. On Wednesday, however, even a 15,000-capacity stadium in Delhi seemed trifle small for a venue when the Prime Minister launched the "Digital India Week" to empower citizens with the use of IT.
Amid loud cheers, applause and even sharp whistles, the PM appeared to be loving every moment of the two-hour event, as leader after leader from the corporate world pledged support for what is touted as one of his pet initiatives to touch the life of every citizen.
"I dream of a digital India where high-speed digital highways unite the nation; 1.2 billion connected Indians drive innovation; technology ensures the citizen-government interface is incorruptible," Modi said.
The first day of the “Digital India Week” saw top industry houses pledging investments worth Rs 4.5 lakh crore in various technology ventures that can potentially add 1.8 million jobs.
The campaign is as much an invitation to domestic and foreign companies as a promise to improve systems, remove bureaucratic sloth and reduce red-tape that often delays processes and decision-making, and encourage start-up enterprises.
Modi also announced a slew of digital programmes — digital lockers to store documents, e-Sign using Aadhaar, e-Hospital systems, National Scholarship Portal, Centre of Excellence on Internet on Things (IoT) and a high-speed digital highway — that aims to make government services more efficient, easily accessible and hassle-free.
It's a great initiative by our honorable PM Mr. Modi. So A HAPPY DIGITAL WEEK TO YOU ALL!!

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